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Monday, October 10, 2011

Real Steel punches strong at the top of the box office

Hugh Jackman’s Real Steel delivered a left hook to be the top spot at the box office this weekend! The movie generated in $27.3 million domestically (US) with a worldwide sales of $49.4 million.

'The Ides of March' starring George Clooney and Ryan Gosling came in at the second spot with $10.4 million.

(October 7-9, 2011 -US)

1. Real Steel - $27,300,000
2. The Ides of March - $10,400,000
3. Dolphin Tale - $9,160,000
4. Moneyball - $7,500,000
5. 50/50 - $5,500,000

* indicates total box office take since opening.

Full list of Box Office Totals.

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