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Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Kirsten Dunst Becomes a German Citizen

Connecting to her European roots is actress Kirsten Dunst as she is now legally embracing her German heritage.

The 29-year-old actress, who is a US citizen, has gained a dual citizen status by receiving her German citizenship. Dunst’s father has German ancestry, while her mother is Swedish.
The "Melancholia" star says "I'm now a real international lady," and added, "One who can film in Europe without a problem."
Dunst wants to improved her language skills for her dream, "It would be the greatest joy for me to act in a German film."

Dunst received the Best Actress award at the 64th Cannes Film Festival in May for her performance in the psychological disaster "Melancholia" by Lars von Trier.

[Photo courtesy by Jason Kempin/Getty Images]
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