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Saturday, May 16, 2009

Britney Spears' 11 months finances

You must be in the shoes of Britney Spears. Checkout her finances which was filed by her conservator.

According to E!online, "from Feb. 1, 2008 and Dec. 31 - Britney spent $3 million in legal fees including $625,000 fees payment for Kevin Federline's lawyers."

For her and family's protection, she released $447,634. For home repairs and maintenance for six months, $49,387.

Other expencess: $188,556 on assistants and other employees; $285,594 in mortgage payments; $5,998 for "decorations"; and $1.06 million in "miscellaneous business expenses.

Kevin Federline got $178,818 for his spending (aka child support).

Total of more than $10 million she spent in Feb 2008-Dec 2008.

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