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Thursday, May 24, 2012

Snooki is expecting a baby boy!

Jersey Shore star  Snooki wants to straighten some things in her life as a future mother and now, it was    revealed that she is expecting a baby boy!

Nicole “Snooki” Polizzi and  and her partner Jionni LaValle already got two names for their baby --  Lorenzo or Jionni Jr.
“Everyone said I was going to have a boy, and they were right!” the Jersey Shore star reveals exclusively to In Touch.
And added,  “I thought it was going to be a girl. I was hoping it would be, because all girls want girls. It’s still my baby, no matter what. I’m excited either way!”
Talking her wild ways,   Snooki. shared that she's slowing down for her baby.
 "I'm not going to party hard anymore, even after the baby is born," Snooki reveals. "Being a mom changes you."
Good for her.... Thinking of the right choice to be responsible.

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