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Friday, March 26, 2010

Jesse James’ Mistress #4 has "hundreds of texts and photos" as evidence

Another woman is dropping a bomb against Sandra Bullock's husband Jesse James. The unidentified woman claimed that she also had an affair with James and she's hiring controversial lawyer Gloria Allred to represent her. The said woman is Jesse James' mistress no.4.

Gloria Allred reveals that her client and James was involved in an "intimate" three-year affair and the alleged relationship only ended after the news of James's cheating scandal with Michelle 'Bombshell' McGee broke out.
"I represent a beautiful model and business woman," Allred tells ET. "[James] pursued her and he had strong feelings for her. She is in the process of trying to decide if she will come forward. She has proof of their relationship including hundreds of texts, emails and photos. The relationship just ended recently after the scandal broke."
Celebrity attorney Gloria Allred is known for representing the so-called "victims" aka mistresses like the women involved in Tiger Woods' scandal.

Jesse James' Mistresses: #1. Michelle “Bombshell” McGee, #2. Melissa Smith and #3. Brigitte Daguerre.

[Photo courtesy by Christopher Polk/Getty Images]

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