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Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Gabby Concepcion posted P6,000 bail for falsification of public documents case

The return of Gabby Concepcion to the Philippines after 13 years created to much buzz and the existing network war between GMA and ABS-CBN started again to flame. Also on his comeback he must face some unsettled business.

Yesterday Gabby went to the Metropolitan Trial Court (MTC) in Manila and posted bail for his unsettled case involving falsification of public documents.

Accompanied by his Lawyer Eduardo "Ed" Flaminiano and movie producer Rose Flaminiano, Gabby appeared to Judge Marlo Malagar of the MTC Branch 5 and posted a P6,000 bail in relation to a standing warrant of arrest issued for this unsettled case.

According to GMAnews, The details of the case are confidential but Rumors that his previous marriage with Grace Ibuna, Jenny Syquia and two other more are involved in this pending case.

Reports that the case has no connection with his previous involvement 13 years ago about the scam (rigging of results) he made with Lolit Solis and others in the 1994 Metro Manila Film Festival that cause him to decide to leave the Philippines and migrated (some people described as exile) to the U.S.

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