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Monday, April 5, 2010

Dr. Conrad Murray: Michael Jackson Killed Himself

Dr. Conrad Murray’s camp is now preparing to present their defense argument against the manslaughter charges in connection with the death of pop star Michael Jackson.

The legal team will argue that Michael Jackson injected himself with Propofol which resulted to his death.

Dr. Conrad Murray’s defense argument:
- At around 10:50 AM, Dr. Murray gave Jackson 25 mg of Propofol from a 20 ml bottle -- that's only about 1/8 of the bottle.

- The dose Dr. Murray administered would keep someone asleep for only 5 to 10 minutes, But the Propofol, along with the Ativan and Versed that was already in MJ's system, had a synergistic effect that put Jackson to sleep for a longer period of time.

- For the next hour, Dr. Murray stayed in the room and was on the phone for much of the time. Dr. Murray didn't leave the room to make the calls because MJ liked activity in the room, regularly sleeping with the lights on and cartoons blaring on the TV.

- At around noon, Dr. Murray left the room for approximately two minutes to go to the bathroom. While he was gone, the defense believes Jackson suddenly awakened and was frustrated he had spent nearly 9 hours trying in vain to sleep. The defense theory -- Jackson took the 20 ml bottle of Propofol and self-injected the remaining contents through the IV, causing a massive overdose that stopped his heart.

- Dr. Murray walked back in the room and saw Jackson with his eyes open and pupils dilated. Dr. Murray dropped the phone (he was speaking with his girlfriend) and began administering CPR.
The defense will argue Michael Jackson was a long-time Propofol addict and he taken the Propofol without his approval.

Murray must also answer Alberto Alvarez testimonials about the alleged disposal of the empty drug vials. Alvarez said Murray handed him some empty vials and asked him to put them in a bag before the before paramedics arrived.

[Photo courtesy by Bauer Griffin]

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