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Monday, June 18, 2012

Rodney King Deadl He was 47

Rodney Glen King,  the person who carved history with the LAPD in 1991,  was  found dead by his fiancée Cynthia Kelley at the bottom of his swimming pool this Sunday morning (June 17) in Rialto, California. He was 47 years old.

According to TMZ, they responded to a call at 5:25 AM PT and they removed King's body  from the pool and attempted CPR. He was pronounced dead at 6:11 AM.
King's fiancée is telling friends King had been drinking and smoked weed in the hours before his death.
Rodney became  known as the victim of police brutality involving the Los Angeles Police Department back in 1991. The incident was caught on tape by a bystander named George Holliday. The riots spreads after the police involved in the incident were acquitted.

Rodney  King....RIP

[Photo courtesy of Getty Images]
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