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Friday, November 4, 2011

Porky's star Wyatt Knight found dead

Actor Wyatt Knight, who is best known for his role as Tommy Turner in the 80's trilogy comedy film “Porky’s”, was found dead in Maui, Hawaii last week (October 26). The 56 year-old actor reportedly committed suicide.

Knight's wife Silvina indeed confirmed that Wyatt committed suicide. Her husband’s radiation therapy from battling cancer had "left him in both physical and emotional pain."
"He was tired of the pain, and after much contemplation, chose to end his life in a beautiful and a serene place," Silvana Knight said in a statement. "His family and friends are devastated. He was deeply loved by all who knew him and will be missed every day."
An autopsy has been performed and the results are pending.

He also had guest roles on numerous TV shows including "M*A*S*H*" and "Chicago Hope."

Wyatt Knight.....R.I.P.

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