Jim Carrey can deliver some zany sometimes creepy character on screen but this time he taken it personally in this new video uploaded on his official website. He is in the mood for the "Crazy Little Thing Called Love"!
The 49-year-old actor confesses his love for 22-year old actress Emma Stone. He dream of marriage, intimate passion and building up a family with Emma.
Official Link of the Video.
"Emma, I just wanted to let you know that I think you're all the way beautiful. Not just pretty, but, you know, smart and kindhearted. And if I were a lot younger, I would marry you, and we would have chubby little freckled faced kids. We'd laugh all day long and go camping and play Yahtzee and tell ghost stories by the fire. And the sex?"
"Everyday for the rest of your life, you would thank God that I was the appropriate age for you. But I'm not. I'm 49. I have lines on my face, sometimes a little grey in my beard, and it takes me a little longer to pee than it used to. Those are the only discernable signs of aging that I can find so far. Anyway, I just wanted to let you know how I felt. You're pretty special, and I wish you continued success and artistic fulfillment, but most of all, I wish you love and contentment."
He is like a stalker declaring his love and intentions to a much younger prey. It is hilarious but it also creepy!

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