Sunday, February 27, 2011
Rihanna and Ciara - Twitter Catfight
Both Rihanna and Ciara released their fangs and claws to each other with a nasty Twitter exchange but eventually both raised the white flag.
This controversy began when Ciara dished on Rihanna on Joan Rivers' E! Fashion Police [Video Below], saying: "I ran into her recently at a party. She wasn't the nicest. It's crazy, because I've always loved and respected what she's done in fashion. It wasn't the most pleasant run-in."
With those spicy remark, Rihanna tweeted, "“My bad ci, did I 4get to tip u? #howrudeofme” and later added “U gangsta huh? Haaa."
Ciara replied with “Trust me Rhianna u dont want to see me on or off the stage.”
Rihanna answers back, “Good luck with bookin that stage u speak of.”
Later on -- it seems some body adviced the two to make a truce.
Rihanna decided to stop the little cat fight. She tweeted, "Ciara baby, I love u girl! U hurt my feelings real bad on TV! I'm heartbroken! That's y I retaliated this way! So sorry! #letsmakeup"
Ciara replies, “Rhi u know its always been love since day 1! Doing shows/everything. you threw me off in that party! Apology accepted. Let’s chat in person.”
It seems the two are now ok but the reality is, the feud will continue in a low profile level --- both will also put a dagger to each other in a professional level.