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Thursday, July 8, 2010

Mel Gibson admits he hit Oksana: "You F**king Deserved It!"

Following his racist rant from a tape recording, actor Mel Gibson is caught on tape again admitting that he hit his baby mama Oksana Grigorieva.

Included in the controversial tape, Mel admits hitting Oksana twice while she was holding their baby daughter, Lucia.
Radaronline reports: On tape, a teary Oksana is heard asking Mel, “What kind of a man is that who would hit a woman when she is holding a child in her hands, hitting her twice in the face?

“What kind of a man is that?” the Russian musician repeats.

The Braveheart star responds: “You know what — you f**cking deserved it.”
Mel's camp previously denied that the actor hits Oksana but the lady musician claims that her teeth was knocked out during the violent confrontation and she also photos to proved it.

Al revelations are all part of their custody battle and restraining order to each other.

[Photo courtesy by Bauer Griffin]

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