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Saturday, April 3, 2010

DWTS' Erin Andrews receiving death threats; Erin's lawyer released statement

ESPN host/Dancing With The Stars' Erin Andrews is facing another insane stalker and now she's receiving death threats. The case is now being investigated by the FBI.

The suspect is reportedly sending emails to "The Dan Patrick Show". At first, the emails are sexual in nature and then turned to a threat to the ESPN host.
According to TMZ, some of the email messages are direct threats. One reads, "Somebody should shoot her in the face." and other email says, "I'm one in a million. She'll never see me coming."

Erin Andrews' lawyer released a statement, "It is correct that within the past few days death threats have been made against Erin Andrews. As soon as we learned of them the FBI was notified. They are on the case."

"Erin and her family are protected. It is unfortunate that there are sick people who prey on the fears and threaten the well being of others. Erin is not alone among those who have to deal with such predators."

"Erin is looking forward to the future and will keep all of her commitments including her appearance on 'Dancing with the Stars.' We ask that the privacy of Erin and her family be respected."
Andrews was a victim of peephole incident in which the suspect Michael David Barrett was sentenced to 30 months in prison.

[Photo courtesyby Kevork Djansezian/Getty Images]

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