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Friday, April 24, 2009

Taylor Swift answers 10 questions from TIME readers

Country teen singer Taylor Swift answers 10 interesting question from TIME readers as she shared her attitude in creating her own song, dream duet, media attention and many more...

Here some of her Taylor's answer from her interview:

How long does it take you to write a song? "Most of the time, songs that I write end up being finished in 30 minutes or less. "Love Story" I wrote on my bedroom floor in about 20 minutes. When I get on a roll with something, it's really hard for me to put it down unfinished."

How do you manage to appear so genuinely happy when, according to your songs, you've suffered so much heartbreak? "I have ways of channeling the heartbreak. Also, it's been a really awesome year. I get so excited when a song I wrote that's very personal to me goes No. 1 and I look down and see people singing the words back to me. That makes me so much happier than anything could ever bring me down."

What advice do you have for aspiring songwriters? "Write your songs not for a demographic or for getting on the radio. Write your songs for the person you're writing that song about. When I sit down, I say to myself, "O.K., who is this about? What would I say to him right now if I could?"

What other artists would you like to do a duet with? "I would like to do a duet with Taylor Hanson, because I have loved Hanson since I was 8. And Taylor Hanson has an amazing voice. And also we're both named Taylor."

Do you think it's right for people to pay so much attention to the personal lives of entertainers? "I feel like people paying attention to your personal life when you're in this position is sort of a given. There's nothing that I can say to make it stop. I don't live in L.A. I live in Nashville. The paparazzi do not know where Nashville is, so I sort of have a normal life when I'm home."

For the rest of her interview, visit TIME.
You can also watch the interview HERE.

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