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Friday, April 17, 2009

Britney Spears' property: camouflage-clad woman arrested for trespassing

Maybe the woman who was arrested at Britney Spears' private property Calabasas has envision herself entering a war zone as she was wearing a camouflage fatigues with backpack and video camera.

Brit's security found the woman peeping through the windows and she was asked to leave, but the woman "balked at their requests".

L.A. County Sheriff's deputy arrested 26-year-old Miranda Tozier-Robbins and she was booked on charges of trespassing and disorderly conduct. Bail was set at $5,000, but she was released on a citation to appear in court on June 16.

E! interviewed camouflage-clad stalker's mother Barbara Tozier-Robbins and she says that she has no idea that her daughter had tried to get so close to her idol, let alone been arrested earlier today.

"You are kidding," she said. "I knew she was a fan of [Britney]. I don't know why she would go there."

"She's never been in trouble before," Barbara added. "I guess she just wanted to see Britney."

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