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Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Alex Rodriguez kisses himself in Details magazine

Showing love to himself and his ego, Yankee Alex Rodriguez kisses himself in the mirror in the latest April 2009 issue for Details magazine. This photo spread was taken the day Sports Illustrated broke out and confront A-Rod on the steroid issue in 2003 in which he later on admits.

Here's some highlights of A-Rod's Detail interview "CONFESSIONS OF A DAMNED YANKEE":

A-Rod on Madonna: “Well, we’re friends…I have a lot of respect for her…She’s very smart and she’s passionate about everything she does…if there ever was any situation, she’s a great ear to have, you know?”

A-Rod on naming favorite Madonna song: Rodriguez believes that revealing the song would lead to its being played every time he stepped to the plate during an away game. "The last thing I want to do is go to every stadium and have them play that song".

A-Rod on Scandal: "We live in a world right now where everyone's keeping score. And it doesn't stop when the games end. . . . They've crossed over. And you have the Internet stuff, and all these phones. . . . It's very intense."

For the full article, visit Details.

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