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Saturday, November 8, 2008

Rumer Willis want to be a Killer

Rumer Willis want to be known as a true actress not just the daughter of Bruce Willis and Demi Moore. She's dying to be taken seriously as an actress.

Her dream role is to be a female Hannibal Lecter-esque character.

In her interview via MTV, “I would love to be the killer in something or be crazy,” Willis laughed when asked what her dream film role would be. “One of the reasons why I love acting and why I think I always have is I’ve always been interested in psychology. When I was at USC, I started taking a few classes on it, and it’s just always kind of interested me about why people do things, and I think there are a lot of actors that that’s just why they started doing it — because they just want to find out why people do certain things. What interests me the most, and especially with serial killers and things like that — which is a little crazy, but whatever floats your boat — is that in their heads it’s logical, you know what I mean? When they’re killing people or whatever it is, there’s a reason in their minds that they rationalize it, and I just think it’s such an interesting thing and an amazing thing that as an actor, you get to be able to kind of go into that and figure why people do this.”

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