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Thursday, July 31, 2008

Selena Gomez on Miley Cyrus: " there’s no feud"

Selena Gomez is relax to say that there’s no feud between herself and fellow Disney star Miley Cyrus in her interview with Extra!

Selena explained, “It’s just the media wanting something to talk about and wanting us to fight…and there’s nothing there to talk about.”

For false media reports: “Everywhere you go you hear things that are untrue…You just got to learn that if I don’t say it, physically out of my mouth, on camera, it’s not true.”

For being a role model : “It’s overwhelming and there’s a lot to think about…to know there are hundreds of kids out there that look up to me. I know that’s a big responsibility. I am also very confident to say that it is wonderful and I’ll do my best that I can do to be the best role model I can be.”

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