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Saturday, July 12, 2008

Kris Aquino's opinion and James Yap's Hit and Run basketball brawl (video)

Have you seen Kris Aquino and husband PBA player James Yap's recent interview and their explaining about the incident happened in the do-or-die wild card game were the players including James lost their cool that triggered some kicking, commotion and ball throwing.

The interview is fine but crying about the decision and penalty of the Philippine Basketball Associations (PBA), that is over the top. She just wasting her tears. Hello!!!, on court commotions is just common in a crucial basketball game. Don't make this a big deal.

James Yap accepts his responsibility as a former MVP and he apologize to the fans for his behavior. He said, “Pero inaamin kong mali ‘yong ginawa ko at humihingi ako ng patawad sa mga fans ko. ‘Di magandang example ‘yun".

For Kris, she thinks that the PBA has a hidden grudge against her husband.

Meanwhile, here are the fines that was slap to the players.
Terrence Leather - P P62,400 escaped suspension
James Yap - P50,000
Kalani Ferreira & Gilbert Lao - P20, 000 each for leaving the bench and rushing to the court
Enrico Villanueva - P33, 000
Kerby Raymundo - P30, 000
Rob Sanz - P28, 000
Jondan Salvador - P1, 000

PBA commissioner Sonny Barrios and his technical staff took practically the whole day reviewing the tape, getting the sides of the erring players then discussing the matter among themselves before handing down the verdict.

In case you miss it. This is the basketball incident.

One of their interview.

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