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Monday, June 30, 2008

Weekend Box Office : WALL-E debut at no.1

WALL-E (Waste Allocation Load Lifter Earth-Class) , the last robot who roam around and cleans the environment has uncovers $62.5 million in ticket sales and debut no.1 in weekend box office.

The society of assassins in the movie "Wanted" is in the second spot with $51.1 million.

1. WALL-E - $62.5 million
2. Wanted - $51.1 million
3. Get Smart - $20 million
4. Kung Fu Panda - $11.7 million
5. The Incredible Hulk - $9.2 million

* indicates total box office take since opening.
Full list of Box Office Totals after the jump.

Full list of Box Office Totals

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