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Saturday, June 21, 2008

Naomi Campbell Pleads Guilty for assaulting two police officers

Wearing dark suit and sunglasses entering Uxbridge Magistrates Court in west London, Naomi Campbell pled guilty to assaulting two police officers in London’s Heathrow Airport.

The April incident consist of two counts of assaulting a police, one count of using threatening, abusive words or behavior to cabin crew, and one count of using insulting, abusive, threatening behavior or disorderly conduct.

The assault charge carries a maximum six-month prison sentence and a fine of up to 5,000 pounds (6,300 euros, 9,900 dollars).

Last year Campbell was ordered to spend a week mopping floors at a New York City warehouse for hitting her maid with a mobile phone and she also attended a two-day anger management course

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