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Thursday, May 15, 2008

Miley Cyrus in GOT MILK? Ad

After her popular and controversial Vanity Fair Photo, Miley Cyrus is the latest model to do the milk mustache campaign in Got Milk? ad.

Miley followed the footsteps of other celebrities who spread awareness on the importance of drinking low fat milk. Celebrities like Amanda Bynes, Rihanna, Hayden Panettiere and many more....

Check out the behind-the-scenes video clips of Miley at the ad campaign.

On the said Got Milk Ad are this taglines:
Actress by day. Rocker by night. I’ve got to keep fit to keep up. So I drink milk. Some studies suggest that teens who choose milk instead of sugary drinks tend to be leaner and the protein helps build muscle. It’s the best of both worlds.

Meanwhile have you check her latest single "7 Things".

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