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Thursday, December 13, 2007

Uma Thurman in Harper Bazaar's January 2008 issue

Actress Uma Thurman grace the cover of Harper Bazaar’s US issue of January 2008. She talks about her new love, lovely 40, stop smoking and life as an actress.
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On life and turning 40: “‘Watch out, you might not have a career in your 20s,’ so you scoot along and have some dark, down years. Suddenly, you get a career back and it’s ‘Watch out, in your 30s it’s going to be over.’ And God forbid you have a child. I remember telling an agent I was going to have a baby, and he said, ‘Oh, that’s great for you, but don’t even think about the business.’ Just so blatant!No one’s brought up the 40 thing with me lately, but I’m sure the prognosis is going to be doom and gloom. But no decade has been disastrous, and I’ve gotten away with murder anyway.”

On her numerous ex-husbands: “Look, my aim is true. I wish everybody no ill. I don’t really participate in any mudslinging or such. I like people to see their lives blossom and not go poorly for them.”
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On being an actress:“You know, I think actresses are imagined to be these subjects of great vanity. Life is change; physicality changes. It’s transient, and that’s a beautiful and a painful thing. When I look into the mirror, I think, What have I really done? Not much, if you really want to know. What do I need to do to do more?”

On being blessed with one of the most extraordinary bodies in contemporary cinema:”You mean I slouch and I eat a lot?This is what happens when you quit smoking.”

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