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Monday, December 17, 2007

Singapore Idol Hady Mirza wins 1st Asian Idol

The season two winner of the Singapore Idol Hady Mirza wins the first ASIAN IDOL in Jakarta. He beats Idol contestant winners from the Philippines, Indonesia, Vietnam, Malaysia and India.

He performed 2 song, Beautiful Day of U2 and Berserah Taufik Batisah.
Many are saying he is an underdog in this competition. His txt fan base is much higher than expected. Even the judges didn't expect or predicted that Hady will win.

Hady Mirza said, "The pressure I think is that it's going to be shown across six countries. I started off being quite nervous. But then, as we went along, it was fine and I did pretty well. I think I did pretty well and I'm happy with my performance."

The Asian Idol competition gave them the exposure beyond their own national boundaries.

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