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Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Fergie is Blender's Woman of the Year

Blender Mag named Ms. Fergalicious woman of the year for 2007. It seems she is too much vocal about everything.

Some Excerpts:

On not needing to marry Josh: "We’re practically married, anyway. I’m madly in love with him. He understands how to treat a woman and give me respect. And I’m gonna miss him on tour. [Her eyes start to drip, and then she turns mean.] Here I go again. Don’t make me cry, you f*****."

On being named woman of the year: “I might not be the most talented person in the world. . . . I might not have the best voice. I might not be the prettiest or the best dancer. But I’ve worked very hard, and I’ve gone through humiliation. That’s why winning an award means so much more to me than it does to other people.”

On fame: “It’s like there’s one or two things the public knows about every famous person. . . . With Ashlee Simpson, everyone knows she had a nose job. With me, everyone knows I wet my pants onstage and had a crystal-meth addiction; that sucks. You have to laugh.”

more pics after the jump....

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