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Saturday, December 15, 2007

ABS-CBN is suing AGB Nielsen Media Research Philippines for tampered TV Ratings

ABS-CBN Broadcasting Corp. sued AGB Nielsen Media Research Philippines for tampering the survey results in Television Ratings.

They called this illegal act as "a systematic, organized and well funded attempt" to monopolize the ratings.

ABS-CBN present an informant that tells about the alleged bribery of metered households and breach of contract and for failing to keep as confidential information on metered households.

ABS-CBN channel 2 filed a P63 million civil suit against AGB Nielsen after it continued to release the weekly TV ratings even after the informant met with AGB Nielsen officials.

"The Filipino people and the entire media industry deserve to know the truth. We in ABS-CBN have discovered what can only be viewed as a systematic, organized and well funded attempt to cheat in the ratings," ABS-CBN Chairman and CEO Eugenio Lopez III said in a statement.

"The accuracy of the ratings of the TV programs is of utmost importance not only to the TV stations but also to the advertisers, ad agencies, and the viewing public," a statement by GMA.

Many are surprise about the standing of Maging Sino Ka man (Book 2)in ratings.

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