Kevin Federline won the custody case against his ex-wife Britney. According to TMZ, L.A. County Superior Court Judge Scott Gordon issued an order that the physical custody of their minor children will be given to Federline.
Judge Gordon had ordered Spears to undergo random drug testing and take parenting classes. But all of this was neglected by Spears and she done nothing.
This is a wakeup call for her get her life straight.
Britney got the opportunity to keep her kids, all she had to do is be a good parent.
Commissioner Gordon prohibited both Spears and K-Fed from driving the children unless they had a valid California driver’s license. Gordon was pissed today when TMZ posted video of Spears cavalierly driving her kids around Malibu.
Britney is taking a gamble by continuing to drive when her pending case of driving without a valid California license hasn’t been settled yet.
No one ruined Briney's life, but herself. She is the one who chose to get involved with a married man with a pregnant wife and destroy that marriage. She chose to marry him when the rest of the world was scratching their head and wondering why. She continues to choose drugs and alcohol over parenting her children.

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