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Monday, October 29, 2007

PBB Celebrity Ed. 2 Update: 2nd Nomination Night

A thrilling nomination night, everyone is trying to be calm and waiting for the new list of nominees. It's a bad night for Megan Young, Zara Aldana, Baron Geisler and brother Donald Geisler.

Megan Young was shock when Toni Gonzaga announced that she is one of the nominees for this week. Megan was not voted but was picked by HOH Ethel Booba. Ethel has the privilege(enjoyment) to give a automatic nomination to any housemates. This is Princess of Charm 2nd consecutive nominations.

Zara dubbed as the Poor beauty Queen is the second housemate to be nominated last night. Some housemates felt that she’s too much of a cry baby and brings everyone’s mood with her every time she does so. Others feel alienated and uncomfortable too in her presence.

The two-in-one housemates/brothers Baron Geisler and Donald Geisler are the last to be nominated and they got the highest number of votes from their fellow housemates. Baron, the moody housemate becomes careless and inconsiderate this week. He even offended some of the other housemates. Donald(Donnie) is the opposite of his brother.

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