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Thursday, August 11, 2011

TBS Cancels George Lopez's talk show 'Lopez Tonight'

TBS drops a bomb on George Lopez as the network reached a decision to cancel the 'Lopez Tonight' show. Thursday night will be the official final episode.

TBS's statement: “TBS has reached the difficult decision not to order a third season of Lopez Tonight. Thursday will be the final episode of the show. We are proud to have partnered with George Lopez, who is an immensely talented comedian and entertainer. TBS has valued its partnership with George and appreciates all of his work on behalf of the network, both on and off the air."
In the first season back in 2009, Lopez handled the 11 PM time slot and was bumped to midnight when Conan O'Brien's show Conan came after the highly buzz O'Brien-Leno-NBC triangle.

The ratings of Lopez Tonight continues to goes down so the network decided to cut the show.

Lopez is the first Mexican American to host a late-night talk show on an English-language network in the United States.

[Photo courtesy by Jemal Countess/Getty Images]
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