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Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Shia LaBeouf: damage details on his hand injuries

Transformer star Shia LaBeouf shared some scary detail about his hand injuries from his car accident that resulted to permanent damage on part of his hand.

Here's some highlights of his interview with EW:

How is the hand now? "I'm on my third surgery. That's coming up in a week or two [from April 2]. My middle finger is still crooked as a f---ing noodle, so they've gotta straighten it out and put a screw in it."

How much usage will you get back of your left hand? "Probably about 80-something percent. I'll be able to make a fist again. There's a knuckle I'll never be able to move again, but that's probably the only permanent damage, other than the scarring."

How debilitating has it been to have no use of your left hand all these months? "It's hard to do anything. It's hard to button your pants or brush your teeth, let alone jump off a three-story building into a pad. This movie was the most physical thing I've ever had to do, and I had to do it with a broken hand. It's the hardest thing I've ever had to do in my life. Constantly having to take hits and fall and run through explosions and get hit and beat up all day. Aside from my hand, I also got 25 stitches making this movie, in various parts of my body -- stuff that had nothing to do with my hand."

For the full article, Visit EW.

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