The highly anticipated big screen adaptation of the popular 60's television show. This time, Steve Carell (Maxwell Smart) and Anne Hathaway (Agent 99) take over the roles originally played by Don Adams and Barbara Feldon, and they'll be joined by a cast that includes Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson (as Agent 23), Alan Arkin (as The Chief) and Terrence Stamp (as Siegfried, the popular sidekick of Borat).
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Steve Carell "Get Smart" movie poster and trailer
11:08 AM
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The highly anticipated big screen adaptation of the popular 60's television show. This time, Steve Carell (Maxwell Smart) and Anne Hathaway (Agent 99) take over the roles originally played by Don Adams and Barbara Feldon, and they'll be joined by a cast that includes Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson (as Agent 23), Alan Arkin (as The Chief) and Terrence Stamp (as Siegfried, the popular sidekick of Borat).
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