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Sunday, April 3, 2011

Lily Collins Cast as Relativity's Snow White

Phil Collins' daughter Lily Collins will now charm you as the sweet Snow White as she's now cast for the role in Relativity Media's upcoming film.

A modern retelling of the classic fairy tale story, the 22 year-old "The Blind Side" actress will be joined by Julia Roberts (Evil Queen/stepmother) and Armie Hammer (Prince) .

Tarsem Singh will direct this film for June 29, 2012 release date.

Relativity and Lily Collins are also facing tough competition as they will face Universal's "Snow White and the Huntsman" wich features Kristen Stewart as Snow White along with Charlize Theron as the Evil Queen.

[Photo courtesy by Craig Barritt/Getty Images]
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Atlanta Roofing said...

I wish Hollywood would get it right and have Lily Collins be the Snow White in the Universal project. This competiveness is so utterly counter productive. Universal has the better script evil queen while Relativity has the better release date snow white casting. If an audience member even decides to go see a movie about snow white fat chance seeing how Red Riding turned out, they are going to hate the first one and never even sit through the second.

Atlanta Roofing said...

This version of Snow White sounds a lot better and more fun than the one with Stewart, and the script doesn’t need to be rewritten, they can go right into production. Not to mention that Lily looks more like I imagine SW to look, feminine and sweet. And they don’t need to recast the huntsman. Vigo bailing on the Stewart version is very troubling. If he had faith in the film he wouldn’t have bowed out, and so far no one seems to be eager to take the part, either.

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