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Monday, August 30, 2010

Mary-Louise Parker Does Not Smoke Weed, but She tried a Pot Lollipop

Many love the strong image of Mary Louise Parker especially in her role as Nancy Botwin in the hit series "Weeds".

Even though her Weed's character was involved in selling marijuana to support her family, Mary-Louise Parker herself never smoked pot but she confessed that she has licked a Pot Lollipop.

Highlights of her Vanity Fair interview:

Does the same thing happen for you? When you finish shooting an episode, do you feel an urge to light up a joint?: I don’t do drugs, but I’m really suggestible. So I imagine if I did, that’s exactly what would happen. I’d be smoking all day long.

Wait, you don’t smoke marijuana, or you’ve never smoked it?: I’ve never smoked it.

A lollipop made with THC?: Yeah. We did something about pot lollipops on Weeds. But those were props, obviously. Then somebody gave me some real ones. People give me pot all the time. I put them up in my closet, on the very, very top shelf, where I keep all my shoes, just so my kids wouldn’t find them. I don’t need that.

You weren’t a little bit curious?:A little, yeah. My entire life, I never wanted anything to do with marijuana, but then it became a thing. You know what I mean? “I don’t smoke pot.” That was my thing. So when I was sick, I was like, “What the hell?” I was actually kind of excited about it. I was like, “Oh my god, I’m 45 and I’m having my first pot experience!” But it did nothing.

Are you sure you were doing it right? I wouldn’t even know what to do with a pot lollipop. Do you lick it or light it?: I licked it. But somebody told me that you need to eat it. Somebody quite famous who grows his own, he told me I should be eating it. But at this point, I feel like “Why bother?” I gave it a shot, it didn’t work. I’m over it.

For the full article, visit Vanity Fair.

[Photo courtesy by Robert Todd Williamson/h - Vanity Fair]

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