Chris Evans shared that he likes the stylish-cool look of his red and white stripes costume as he is set to star in the upcoming film "Captain America: The First Avenger".

"It’s an amazing costume. Given the fact that his costume is red, white and blue, and it’s tight, and it could be kind of flash and over the top – and given the fact that the movie takes place in the ‘40s and ‘50s – they’ve done a really good job of making it look really cool."The costume's concept art is definitely hot and iconic! Captain America is directed by Joe Johnston and it will hit the theaters on July 22, 2011.
"I think everyone that’s going to see it is going to say, 'Okay, well done. Well done. I think they got the costume right. The casting they completely ruined, but the costume they nailed!'"
“We’ve been testing a lot of shields. Last time I was in London they had six shields and I had to hold each one, see if I was comfortable with each one, see which one we all thought had the right look. The thing is pretty heavy, so I’m not sure I can throw it that far! I’ll give it my best shot, but hopefully they’ll have some sort of stunt shield when it comes to actually chucking it!” -Empire

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