On whether celebrities make her nervous, “Nervous in a good way. I [once] shared a plane with George Clooney. I still get excited. My mum and I said, ‘Oh my God’…I’m leading an extraordinary life. I never try to be too cool about [it].”
On her husband David Beckham, “It’s not healthy to be jealous. I look at David and I think, He’s so handsome and I’m so lucky to have him as a husband. And he’s an amazing father. I don’t blame people for looking at him and finding him attractive. I mean, I do.” [More Photos Below]
Being hailed a fashion icon, Victoria konws her limitation.
On her looks, “I’m not a supermodel. I make the best of what I’ve got. I work out to look the best that I can, but I’m no Gisele.”
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