Flaunting her sexiness in a tiger stripes suit painted onto her body, the ad reads: "It's the Year of for the Tiger: Boycott Zoos"
Photo ace Xander Angeles shot the ad, and Brillante Mendoza took time out from his busy schedule to design the set. Tattoo artist Gene Testa and makeup stylist Leo Posadas also worked on the ad.
[PETA's Press Release]
In celebration of the Year of the Tiger, Cadness and PETA Asia are encouraging people to treat tigers with respect by refusing to patronize zoos. Tigers in zoos are kept in pens that don't come close to replicating their natural homes. In the wild, an adult tiger's territory can cover more than 160 square kilometers, but the entire Manila Zoo measures only 0.055 square kilometers. Even the biggest zoos cannot provide the space, exercise, privacy, and mental stimulation required to satisfy wild animals' complex needs. The physical and mental frustration experienced by animals in captivity often leads to a type of mental illness—called "zoochosis"—which is characterized by abnormal, neurotic, and self-destructive behavior.For more information, please visit WildlifePimps.com.
[Email courtesy by Rochelle Regodon (PETAAsiaPacific)]

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