The queen of Pop Madonna is urging all of you to help Malawi's one million orphans.
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The 51-year-old singer said, "I am making a straightforward request. I'm writing to urge you to join me in saving the lives of some of the world's most vulnerable children. And I'm asking you to do it right away."To encourage your involvement, she pledged $100,000 to match your contributions dollar-for-dollar.
She added, "Right now, I am particularly concerned about Malawian girls whose lives are made even more difficult simply because of their gender....Malawi's poorest girls are eager for the opportunities that a comprehensive secondary education will bring them. But we're still in need of additional funds to complete this project, and there's no time to lose....The girls of Malawi are bright and resourceful. They are eager to learn and grow. When I look at my girls and see them thriving, it is my greatest wish that the girls in Malawi will have the same chance for happiness."
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