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Thursday, May 28, 2009

Photographer sued Chris Brown for assault and battery

Another beating up incident is being linked to troubled singer Chris Brown. He is being sued by photographer who claims the singer and his bodyguard was involved in a violent incident on a LA basketball court back in March.

Photographer Robert Rosen is suing Chris Brown and the L.A. Fitness gym for assault and battery, false imprisonment, intentional infliction of emotional distress, negligence and premises liability.
According to the the lawsuit via TMZ, "Robert Rosen (member of L.A. Fitness gym) shot a photo of Chris playing ball with his friends.

The photog claims Chris' bodyguards yelled at him -- so he tried to leave the gym ... but an L.A. Fitness employee tried to block his escape.

The photog says he then fell down a stairwell, which allowed the bodyguards to catch up with him -- where they, "picked him up by his shorts and physically assaulted him."
Robert Rosen also has a previous record of suing celebrity. In 2007, Rosen sued Pierce Brosnan for allegedly hitting him in the chest in Malibu. The case was dismissed.

Brown's lawyer, Mark Geragos said in statement:
"This is a specious and frivolous lawsuit by one of the paparazzi seeking publicity and a payday. He’s done this before and lost. We will vigorously defend against this."

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