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Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Cate Blanchett does “Vanity Fair” February 2009

Cate Blanchett, the actress who has no usual Hollywood offscreen drama in her life has graces the latest February 2009 cover of Vanity Fair. She expresses that "reverse aging" or plastic surgeries will not be in her list because it be the end her marriage.

Here's some interview snippets:

On having more babies: “Who knows?” she says breezily. “Don’t close those doors. The world is very overpopulated, but we do make nice ones. They all look like Andrew. To say he has dominant genes would be an understatement.”

On avoiding The Hollywood media frenzy ambiance: “I don’t exist in that world. I observe it, but there’s so much else to be thinking about … The world of film can be so noisy, but the other aspects of my life are actually the noisiest parts of my life.”

On reversing the aging: “I haven’t done anything, but who knows,” she says. “Andrew said he’d divorce me if I did anything.

For the full article visit Vanity Fair.

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