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Monday, November 3, 2008

Willie Revillame's home was robbed, disappointed on the subdivision's security

No body is safe even you are living in a exclusive subdivision. This is what happened to Wowowee host Willie Revillame on his house in Corinthian Hills, Quezon City. He lost an estimate of P3 million worth of watches, jewelry and other items.

Reportedly, robbers barged into one of the bathroom windows of Revillame’s house. Revillame and members of his household were on vacation at the time of the break-in.

He was surprised on how the thief found out where he kept the duplicate keys for his cars and vault. Revillame said only his maids know the hiding place for the duplicate keys. He said he is still considering if the robbing incident was an inside job.

In a interview, he is more disappointed on the security of the subdivisions (Corinthian Hills) that the robbery. Residents of the said subdivision are paying a large amount of money but still their a big possibility that your lives will be threaten.

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rayban said...

レイバン サングラス鑑賞会に招かれて、せっかくの日曜日なのに外出。レイバン aviatorにハマってしまったので、レイバンを聞いたら足を運ばずにいられない。お陰で、いろんな変わったレイバン モデルも見れて、来てよかったと思った。


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