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Sunday, November 23, 2008

No Doubt : "It’s time to play.” and "I need to see the fans out there.”

Checkout No Doubt's promo pic in their official website. Underneath it is a chat messenger conversation between Gwen Stefani, Tom Dumont, Adrian Young and Tony Kanal.

Here's some of their conversation:

Gwen: “I think we should go out now, I don’t think we should wait. Pack up the babies and get a bunch of nannies. So fun! Would be so spiriting to get out there and play all those songs again."

"I think that if we go on tour, it will inspire us to write. I need to see the fans out there.”

Adrian: I love the idea of going on the road again.

Tom: We can keep writing and recording out there.

“I’m down to play. We need to play. It’s been too long… ND 2009… I’ll call management. It’s time to play.”

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