Jennifer Aniston talks about her TV experience and movie career in the latest edition of New York Times Magazine. She expresses that she was surprise that she is still in movies.
Her three movies set to be release are "Me & Marley", "He’s Just Not That Into You" and "Traveling".
Some snippets via Us Weekly:
On her new movie’s title: “I wish it was She’s Just Not That Into. Unfortunately, it’s He’s Just Not That Into You. The other would be more empowering.”
On finding success after Friends ended: “I thought I’d never get movies.”
On landing her role of spoiled Rachel Green: “[It was] the first time I felt like part of the cool kids.”
On watching Friends re-runs on TV: “There are times I don’t even remember that particular show. This is horrible to say, but there are times when I laugh my rear end off. And I get in debates with people who are over and say, Friends is not my thing.’ Excuse you!”
On if Friends would be a hit today: “Hard to tell — that was a different time. Now TV has too much to do with celebrity. We have reality television, where people try to become celebrities….”
Her three movies set to be release are "Me & Marley", "He’s Just Not That Into You" and "Traveling".
Some snippets via Us Weekly:
On her new movie’s title: “I wish it was She’s Just Not That Into. Unfortunately, it’s He’s Just Not That Into You. The other would be more empowering.”
On finding success after Friends ended: “I thought I’d never get movies.”
On landing her role of spoiled Rachel Green: “[It was] the first time I felt like part of the cool kids.”
On watching Friends re-runs on TV: “There are times I don’t even remember that particular show. This is horrible to say, but there are times when I laugh my rear end off. And I get in debates with people who are over and say, Friends is not my thing.’ Excuse you!”
On if Friends would be a hit today: “Hard to tell — that was a different time. Now TV has too much to do with celebrity. We have reality television, where people try to become celebrities….”

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