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Friday, October 31, 2008

Ryan Phillippe "Obama 008"

Almost nearing the end game. Once more, Ryan Phillippe show his support to the next President of America.

The "Chaos" star is picking up his son Deacon from his karate class in Los Angeles and he was sportin' a Obama 008 t-shirt.

Previously he was seen wearing Obama for progress shirt.


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Arent you concerned about it? I dont know how . Why did you say that? Oh, dont use gutter language! That is beside the point. Thats a perfectly unwarranted assumption. But the public wont understand it. He stood at the window of his office.

Anonymous said...

Although Irin had a powerful gift, she had not honed it to sorcerer level. With one last pat on Erikins arm, she left them to climb the staircase alone. Is the casting of this spell anything like the one that changes women to raedjour? He really was afraid. Only then did she become aware of the attention of the others in the balcony. That spell shouldnt have been so hard. If youre tired, perhaps we should rearrange for another time with Hyle and Gala. He pulled her from Gala into his own embrace. That wouldnt help alleviate her guilt, nor would it open the way to forgiveness. This hadnt been part of her agreement with Radin. Her lip curled, and she shoved at his chest. I was beginning to wonder if youd lost your mind. She saw Brevin give Tykir a withering look. Both Brevin and Tykir burst out laughing. Did he take your ass? He dragged open his eyes. Polite isnt a description Ive often heard for you. She had no doubt Eyrhaen and each other were their true desires. Her hands grasped his immediately. I havent the time nor the inclination to come up with a spell just now.

Anonymous said...

Grateful, he wrapped his arms around his friend and buried his face in his neck. Salin told me that he was awake, but hes not come out of his suite. Their corner of the garden, right under the balcony of Nialdlyes suite, was relatively quiet. Tykir and Brevin stepped aside, and Lanthan sank onto the couch with her. The one she wanted to lash at was herself. Radins hand at her cheek turned her back to face him. She finished off her wine and set her goblet aside. Soon Eyrhaen was whimpering as she sucked on Hyle, riding the rock of his hips. She had given them a gift, and they were proud of—worried for—her. You need to understand that I wont stand in the way anymore. Angrily, she dashed tears from her eyes, stepping toward the outer door. When she caught herself leaning toward Tykirs warmth, she jerked back to herself. It put his nose right above hers, his bright eyes boring down into her skull. Should I take that as a yes? Her breath caught, the tiny, virgin bud of her ass clenching at the thought. He was too tall for her lips to meet his normally. Radin turned his head to look toward her, smiling. Clearly, Eyrhaens choice was, indeed, a relief to him. She wanted to go to him. A lifetime isnt enough to tell you how I feel about you.

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