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Friday, September 12, 2008

Lindsay Lohan and Samantha Ronson remembering the 9/11

Lindsay Lohan and partner Samantha Ronson shared their sympathy to all the victims and family of the 9/11 NYC via their MySpace Blogs. To all those we lost we will never forget and never take for granted the sacrifices that you made.

Lindsay's entry entitled, "September 11th".
I am in New York and I would like to remind everybody to take a moment today for those lost in tragedy that occurred on 9/11/01.

thank you.

Samantha Ronson's entry entitled, "9.11".
"Waking up in NYC this morning 7 years later and it feels like just yesterday this city and our worlds were turned upside down.... never in my lifetime had I ever believed that I would see such horror- the kind that you see in documentaries set in far off places and read about in text books- never in my life had I ever thought that I would wake up and fall asleep afraid- watching things on television that felt like a film- walking through a city that felt like a war zone. there were army vehicles on houston street, barricades dividing neighbourhoods and lines around the block of people waiting to donate blood set in front of a backdrop of smoke filling a space where two of the largest buildings once stood. Two buildings that shaped one of the most famous skylines in this country, or in the world...... Seven years later and I will never forget. I don't really know what to say except to all those we lost we will never forget and never take for granted the sacrifices that you made."


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