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Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Zhang Ziyi's opinion on people protesting against China

Sensational Chinese actress Zhang Ziyi is confuse on why many are protesting and spreading hate towards China as the 2008 Beijing Olympics approach. In her interview in Vogue Magazine, she says [she] was "puzzled".

"Memoirs of a Geisha" star also served as a torch bearer for the Chinese leg of the relay.

"I don't see why people are so negative. The games are about friendship," Zhang was quoted as saying in the current issue of Vogue. "I'm Chinese and I'm proud of my country."

Activists have criticized China on how their treating Tibet and the human rights violation in the region.

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Anonymous said...

puzzled is a kind word, I am a chinese, and want to say I am fed up the endless based and baseless negativities in the west bs media. we chinese wish to be friendly and enjoy peace with the west, but if you westerns want an enemy, you will fullfill your wish, you will get one.

Anonymous said...


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