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Sunday, February 10, 2008

Eva Longoria Parker always "InStyle" (March 2008)

Eva Longoria Parker graces the cover of InStyle March 2008 issue. In the interview she discusses her 200+ pairs of shoes, aspect of married life, fashion and many more...

Eva on not-so-nice aspect of married life:
the rumors. “If you fight every [rumor] that comes up against you, you look guilty; if you don’t fight everything you look guilty. So you’re damned if you do and damned if you don’t. The bottom line is, Tony and I are very much in love and we’re also tough-skinned, so we’re able to handle this,”

Eva's fashion in the eyes of Toni Parker:
“I like the way Eva dresses – she’s always elegant,” Tony gushes. And his favorite outfit on his wife? “I like her in jeans. It’s fine when she dresses up for red-carpet events. But when she’s just with me, it’s nice and simple.”

Check the cover shoot video of Eva.HERE.

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