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Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Lindsay Lohan and her movie tops the RAZZIE nomination

After Lindsay Lohan received an award in Capri Film Festival, the singer/actress is nominated in two categories in 28th RAZZIE® Awards.

Her movie “I Know Who Killed Me” garnered a total of 9 Nominations. Razzie gives award for worst movies and movie performances.

Razzie founder John Wilson said, “`I Know Who Killed Me’ is the most fabulously brainless movie since `Showgirls,’” which Razzie voters picked as the worst movie of the 1990s, Wilson said. “By the end of it, you still don’t know what happened. Are they twins or aren’t they? Did she imagine it? Can I please have my hour and 50 minutes back?”

28th RAZZIE® Awards list of nominees.

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Anonymous said...

the bad girl is back!!!!

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