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Saturday, December 22, 2007

PBB Celebrity 2 Update: Home Piggy (TV) Shopping

Yesterday at UBER, Some pig buyers are interested in buying the house piglets. The housemates did not agree with that idea.

Big Brother gave a chance to the housemates to save their piglets by selling their paintings in a home TV shopping style.

They must be able to raise the Php 20k amount to save the piglets from being sold, and the money will be donated to a non-profit organization.

In a live camera, the housemates wearing a Filipino costumes described their art works to all interested buyers. The first art work that was sold was the painting of Ms. Gaby Dela Merced. the title of her art work is "Liwayway" featuring her piglet Porkchop and sold for Php 5,000.

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